
About Me

Hi, I'm Jeffrey Luu! I'm a 2023 UCSD Graduate who studied Human Computer Interaction and Computer Science.

Since childhood, my passion for technology has driven me to explore and expand my knowledge, constantly tinkering with computers. Alongside my technical endeavors, I have also found fulfillment in volunteering, dedicating five years of my weekends to a food bank, assisting those in need.

Now, my focus is on merging technology and human interaction. I am committed to creating functional, accessible web and mobile interfaces that elevate the user experience. By utilizing technology as a tool, I aim to bridge gaps and facilitate seamless interactions for people from all walks of life.

YouTube Live Redesign for Mobile Complete Write-up Here


University of California, San Diego

June 2023

B.S. in Human Computer Interaction

Minor in Computer Science

GPA: 3.52

Relevant Coursework:

  • COGS 108 Data Science in Practice
  • COGS 123 Social Computing
  • COGS 187a Usability & Information Architecture
  • CSE 101 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSE 110 Software Engineering
  • CSE 120 Principles of Computer Operating Systems
  • CSE 134b Web Client Languages
  • CSE 135 Online Database Analytics
  • CSE 167 Computer Graphics
  • CSE 170 Interaction Design